Speed Softwares Sources Website

Official Speed Softwares site, you can find tools and sources or cheats for some of your favorite games!

C++ Sources:

Lua C Source Executor:

Parses your C Script via Lua C addresses, modern 2016 executor.

Auto Address Updater:

Gets addresses from a site, and replaces them with the latest ones.

Get Current IP Address:

Retrives your current IP address and returns it via string.

C# Sources:

Named Pipe Exist:

Checks if the pipe file exists, and returns it as true or false.

Discord Webhook:

Sends a message with Discord Webhook Link via string and System_Net.

Close Roblox Process:

Terminates the Current Roblox process called "RobloxPlayerBeta".

External Websites:

Upload your custom source for other users!

User Scripts
User Exploits
PS3 Modifying